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Bad Faith Blog

We cover current issues, highlights and best practices exclusively on claims of bad faith and extra contractual damages.

Bad Faith Blog
September 1, 2016

Iowa Rule: First-Party Bad Faith Claim Barred Because Not Brought With Breach of Contract Suit Against Insurer

Summary: The insured made significant improvements to its building, thereby increasing building’s value. Insurer made initial payments to insured under building, personal property and business income coverages. After substantial negotiations between insurer and insured’s counsel, insured filed breach of contract action against insurer. Insured won at trial, and insurer paid the judgment and interest and obtained a satisfaction of judgment.

Bad Faith Blog
August 14, 2016

Louisiana Plaintiff Not Permitted to Bring a Bad Faith Failure to-Settle Suit Because of Lack of Proper Assignment

Summary: Dana Johno brought a suit against Leon Duplessis & Sons, Inc. (“Duplessis”) alleging it demolished his home without consent following Hurricane Katrina. Johno also named as parties to the suit Duplessis’s two subcontractors (Hard Rock Construction and Pro Tree Services), its insurer (Scottsdale Insurance Company) and the local parish government which hired Duplessis.

Bad Faith Blog
August 9, 2016

Reasonable Claims Handling Defeats Colorado Insured’s UIM Bad Faith Claim

Summary: Williams was injured in a car accident, settled with the at-fault driver’s insurance company for the policy limits of $25,000, and then made a claim against her own insurance policy under the underinsured motorist (UIM) provision. Her Owners Insurance Company (“Owners”) policy provided $100,000 of UIM coverage. Claiming medical expenses in excess of $50,000 and lost wages in excess of $60,000, she demanded the policy limits, but her demand was rejected. Williams then filed suit against Owners alleging breach of contract and both common law and statutory bad faith delay in processing her claim. The district court granted Owners’ motion for summary judgment after finding that Williams failed to produce evidence showing the unreasonableness of Owners’ conduct. On Williams’s appeal, the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit affirmed on all counts.