There are 4 main topics I try to address in any initial consultation for a divorce: custody (legal and physical), division of property, spousal support/maintenance, and child support/division of expenses. Today, we'll talk about custody.
Custody: When there are children who were born or adopted during the marriage, it’s essential to discuss custody issues. Legal custody is the manner in which parents will decide on issues such as religion, medical care, schooling, sports and extracurricular activities, and generally anything that will require a permission slip. Physical custody is a schedule setting out where children will physically sleep each night of the week and during holidays and breaks.
Parents going through a divorce usually have an idea of whether they should get sole legal custody, or have the children more of the time at his/her house, but that idea may not be in line with what a court needs to look at in making a decision about legal and physical custody. Having an experienced attorney talk with you about factors the court will look at, and discussing your particular family and how a judge may view your situation, is an important part of any initial consultation.
For these or other family law matters, please contact one of the family law attorneys at Sandberg Phoenix.