With the largest medical malpractice defense group in the metropolitan St. Louis area, our firm brings extensive organizational resources to the defense of birth trauma cases and risk management consultations to help reduce litigation exposure arising from obstetrical services.
Obstetrical negligence claims are among the most complex medical cases to litigate. The strongest defense is grounded in a depth of specialized knowledge and broad experience.
Effective representation requires not only familiarity with obstetrics and obstetrical nursing but also an understanding of interrelated aspects of neonatology, placental pathology, neurology, genetics and neuroradiology. Our counsel has first-hand familiarity with the realities of clinical practice and experience shepherding defendants through the process can be an invaluable asset in minimizing this stress and maximizing the defendant’s ability to effectively participate in a vigorous defense.
Our Birth Trauma team of attorneys offers services including:
Assessing verdict exposure and settlement value
Assisting with mediation
Consultation services for local counsel
Defense strategy
Developing cross-examination of the plaintiff’s expert
Expert retention, review and preparation
Fetal monitor tracing interpretation
Lead defense counsel
Literature review
Risk management services
Witness preparation
The best defense against any birth trauma litigation is pre-emptive and our combined legal and obstetrical experience can serve as a practical risk-management resource. We can assist with evaluating policies and procedures, reviewing or drafting consent documents, assisting in the development of template notes and orders for electronic medical record systems and providing staff education.