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Long Term Care & Senior Living Blog

We offer updates on national on regional issues such as malpractice defense, regulatory compliance, labor and employment issues and estate planning.

Long Term Care & Senior Living Blog
January 18, 2023

Long-term Care & Senior Living Podcast

Recently shareholder Steve Strum sat down with some Plaintiffs’ attorneys from the Simon Law Firm to discuss his extensive experience defending senior living facilities over the course of his 30+ year legal career. 

Long Term Care & Senior Living Blog
August 9, 2016

HIPAA Update - Advocate Health Care, a Single entity, settles HIPAA Penalties for $5.55 Million

Advocate Health Care Network, the largest fully-integrated health care system in Illinois, agreed to the largest HIPAA Settlement to be paid by a single entity for potential penalties in the amount of $5.55M. The alleged long term non-compliance resulting in this settlement included four failures to comply with HIPAA including: failure to adequately conduct risk assessments, failure to limit physical access to ePHI, failure to obtain Business Associate Agreements, andfailure to safeguard an unencrypted laptop from an unlocked car overnight.